
18 Organizations, 1 Mission!

CIP’s Powerhouse: 18 Organizations, 1 Mission!

Behind the success of the Community Investment Platform (CIP) are our incredible partners and sub-grant winners, all led by the driving force of Fondacioni Albiz.

Big thanks to 3 outstanding organizations from Debar, 3 from Strumica, 7 from Skopje, and 5 from Tetovo — together, we achieve lasting impact on our community through their dedication and continuous support.

A heartfelt appreciation to the European Union for their instrumental role in crafting this remarkable alliance.


Центар за истражувања и анализи НОВУС / Center for research and analysis



Sub-Grant Winners

Horizon Civitas

ZIP Institute

Center for Education and Development – CED

ADEC&Qendra Psychalb

VK Aktiv

Zdruzenie Flagelum

Asociacioni për Afirmimin e Gruas

Rrjeti i Grave në Shkencë – RRGSH

Proagro Farmeri

Здружение Радика Де

Democracy Lab

Moja Kariera

Shoqata Renesansa
