
Partnership agreement between the Albiz Foundation and the project partners was signed

The Foundation for Development of Education and Culture Albiz from Skopje, in partnership with the Association “Multikultura” from Tetovo, the Association “Center for Sustainable Community Development (CSCD)” from Debar and Citizens Association “Center for Research and Analysis NOVUS” from Strumica, started the implementation of the project “Community Investment Platform”. These days they signed a partnership agreement for the implementation of project activities.

The project will contribute to the enhancement of the capacity of the local CSOs to build cross-sectoral initiatives aimed at socio-economic development of the communities in the country.

The project will work on expanding the informal Platform for cooperation between the civil society organizations and the business sector, identifying the challenges and opportunities of the local communities, building the capacity of the CSOs as drivers of community investment, as well as promoting public-private initiatives.

The target groups of the project are the local civil society organizations and citizens, local businesses and local self-government units and public institutions. The project will be implemented in Skopje, Tetovo, Debar and Strumica.

The project will last 40 months and it is co-financed by the Delegation of the European Union in Skopje.