
Community Investment’s final event

Today, we celebrated a powerful integration sectors at our final conference!

From business leaders to EU delegates, we explored how cross-sector collaboration drives community empowerment.

Highlights included panel discussions on empowering local communities for socio-economic development and sharing best practices for community growth.

We also spotlighted our 14 sub grant winners, showcasing grassroots initiatives making waves across four regions. Over 40 months, 18 organizations and 5000+ individuals joined forces, hosting 200+ events

None of this would have been possible without the unwavering commitment of our partners Multikultura, CSCDand Центар за истражувања и анализи НОВУС / Center for research and analysis all lead by the driving force of Fondacioni Albiz

We extend our heartfelt gratitude to the European Delegation for their invaluable financial support, which has been instrumental in realizing our vision.

Together, we’re shaping brighter futures.