
Fundraising campaign in Debar

On the occasion of the International Day of Persons with Psecial Needs, on 3 December 2022 at Debar Home of Culture project partner Center for Sustainable Community Development organized the fundraising event that brought together the civil and public sector in a joint activity titled Art Colony Marathon.

More than 100 schoolchildren from three local schools “Said Najdeni”, “Penestia”, and “28 Nëntori” took part and created over 90 painting works featuring a variety of topics and ideas.  All art works were exhibited and offered for sale in a public auction that gathered 80 citizens including persons with special needs and journalists from local media.

The auction resulted with 40 paintings sold for a total sum of 19,310 MKD. All schoolchildren who contributed with their art work were awarded with appreciation letter whereas the best three received modest awards. The collected funds together with 10,700 MKD donated by Albiz Foundation were used to purchase an AC Inverter for the needs of the Day Care Center, and the same was installed on 13 December, 2022.