
Promotion of Digital Platform and signing of grants

On 30 June 2022, under the umbrella of the “Community Investment Platform (CIP) Project”, the Albiz Foundation promoted the Digital Platform for Community Investment and awarded seven sub-grants to local civil society organizations. The non-governmental organizations that benefited from Albiz Foundation in the first phase of sub-granting are: FLAGELUM, HORIZON CIVITAS, and ZIP INSTITUTE from Skopje, ADEC & PSYCHALB and CED from Tetovo, SYNAPSIS WORLD from Debar and VK AKTIV from Strumica.

We look forward to successful cooperation in the implementation process.

Albiz Foundaton invites all other civil sector organizations that in the first phase did not win a sub-grant to apply in the next call for sub-granting in the second phase which will be announced in December 2022 or January 2023.