
Meet Asociacioni për Afirmimin e Gruas, our sub-grant winner from Skopje

Meet Asociacioni për Afirmimin e Gruas, our sub-grant winner from Skopje. Their success is a triumph for all of us!

Under their project “Empowering rural women through sewing training,” women from Studenichani are learning:

Freehand sketching of the model

Fixing the adhesive material in certain places

Hand needle-machine sewing

Valuable messages from participants.

“Sewing is a way of marking our existence on fabric: modeling our place in the world, expressing our identity, sharing ourselves with others, and leaving indelible evidence of our presence at work. It’s an inspiration that teaches us many other skills, including the belief that we can do anything we want and aim for.

Boosting Women’s Financial Freedom: The Secret Ingredient for a Strong Community!