
Meet the Women in Science Network (RRGSH) , the sub-grant winner from Skopje.

Meet the Women in Science Network (RRGSH) , the sub-grant winner from Skopje.

Their success in the Migration and Youth project describes an inspiring journey towards improving conditions for young people.

A two-day workshop was organized for participants aged 18-25, addressing youth migration causes, prevention, and statistical analysis, while also emphasizing enhancing capacities in North Macedonia, with a focus on individual development and promoting private sector employment opportunities.

The closing conference, held on the International Day of Girls and Women in Science, was more than just an ordinary event – it was a celebration of collaboration and inspiration to come to the aid of youth and migration. In addition to greetings and inspiring discussions, RRGSH also presented their analysis on the flight of young people from the country, bringing light on the factors and causes that influence this phenomenon.

This project served as a campaign for positive change and continued collaboration to ensure a better future for young people.

Check the analysis at the link…/2024/02/migrimi_dhe_te_rinjte.pdf