Support the traditional manifestation of Mobilnost – TORTIJADA!

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Tortijada is a traditional manifestation of Mobilnost Strumica that is held for the last 23 years aiming greater inclusion of people with disabilities where they can socialize and show their skills in making cakes.

The realization of this event needs funds to cover the expenses for the overnight stay of our members joining from the other cities and those who have registered for their participation in the event, as well as funds purchasing food and refreshments for the attendees. Depending on the budget, we could arrange modest gifts for the best three creations, in order to motivate and increase interest to participate in the event.

Long-term working with people with disabilities has continuously convinced us that such events are much needed in this field of work, where individuals with disabilities are given the opportunity to prove their skills and knowledge and show them practically to the public.

Our civic initiative is specialized in this specific social phenomenon and we have sufficient knowledge for some specific areas of life in the community. The experience from the implemented projects and the knowledge about the role of all stakeholders is of great importance for yielding the best possible effects out of each donation. We believe that overcoming of the abovementioned issues is possible by joining together.

By holding the TORTIJADA event (a recognizable feature of Mobilnost Strumica in the region and beyond) we are tackling the problem of socialization and inclusion of people with disabilities, an issue that we believe is the key factor to ensure a better quality of life for people with disabilities.

The benefit of this event is also raising of public awareness so people understand that people with disabilities can live side by side with other people, be active actors in the society, make their own contribution, be included in the organization itself and in the realization of the event, where they will show their organizational skills, and most importantly, will overcome the stigmas and barriers, always aiming a better quality of life for people with disabilities.

The total Budget needed for the realization of Tortijada is 70,000 denars



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