About the project

The main goal of the Community Investment Platform (CIP) project is to enhance the capacity of local CSOs to build cross-sectoral initiatives aimed at socio-economic development of communities.

The specific goal of the project is to strengthen the capacity to raise funds for local communities through initiatives led by civil society organizations and public-private initiatives.

The project will be implemented in Skopje, Tetovo, Debar and Strumica. The project is funded by the European Union. Project duration is from January 2021 to April 2024.


1.1 Organization of nation-wide sensitization events on CSO-business-public initiatives

1.2 Design and launching of a digital community investment platform (web and mobile)

1.3 Establishment of data management system within CSO-Business Platform

1.4 Organization of meetings of the Community Investment Platform

2.1 Research& mapping on community cooperation in the country

2.2 Identification of local cross-sector initiatives for improved community

2.3 Presentation of local cross-sector initiatives for better community life

3.1 Development of the community investment platform & hub

3.2 Organization of mentorship for CSOs working with business and public entities

3.3 Coaching of CSOs for digital media skills

3.4 Organization of a sub-granting scheme for small-scale community investments led by CSOs

4.1 Signing of MoUs with public entities for sector expansion of the Platform

4.2 Organization of community forums with CSOs, business and public sector

4.3 Organization of a nation-wide media campaign for fund-raising and community initiatives


Output 1: Expanded CSOs-business-public platform led by CSOs

Output 2. Identified local community challenges and development opportunities by joint cross-sector approach

Output 3. Developed capacity of CSOs to generate and lead community development solutions with business and public sector

Output 4. Launched public-private initiatives for development of communities